Whatsapp hash exactor V4.1.1 new released ,which fixed some problems on whatsapp accounts reload on Ld-player emulator;

1.The device must be rooted with SuperUser (if You use Android phone)Start WhatsApp on Your Android device and register account.
2.From PC start application WART Extractor.exe and click Refresh
3.Click GetChannel. You will receive hash channel, which have new format: number,public_key,private_key.
Now this channels can use in conatct filter V5.4.1 and whatsapp blaster sender v7.4 softwares,etc
Now you can also convert queen chanenls to hash channel with this software!
System requirements:
– Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (Windows XP not supported)
– 50 Mb free space on hard disk
– good internet connection
– installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
– installed Android emulator (example, NOX) with root mode or mobile phone with root mode (check availability folder /data/data/com.whatsapp/). I recommend use Android 4.4.2
License on 6 months